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Love through Loss is a collective to provide unwavering support and connection to families navigating the profound and heart-wrenching journey of baby loss.


IVF Support UAE

Rainbow Pregnancy and Parenthood UAE

Lighthouse Arabia's Little Lifetimes Group

Lala Langtry White  - Bereavement Doula & Support Coordinator

The Prepared Pineapple

Still a Mum

TFMR Mama's 

Small and Mighty Babies

Twins Plus Arabia

Baby Loss Awareness

Global Support

Global Support
Rainbow Baby

Rainbow Baby

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The term 'rainbow' baby is given to a baby born to or adopted to a family following the loss of a baby or child. Grief at its rawest is often described as a feeling caught in and ravaged by a storm and the rainbow symbolises the feelings of light and hope that shine after a storm. A rainbow baby never replaces a baby who died, the rainbow is a symbol of the duality of carrying both the love and grief for the baby/ies that are no longer in your arms and the joy and happiness for the one(s) that are. A rainbow only exists where both the sunshine and rain clouds exist together.


Having a baby and raising a family after loss in pregnancy or childhood can bring a plethora of complex and often conflicting emotions. Many parents who have experienced the heartbreak of losing a baby or child and have gone on to have another baby may feel both joy and hope alongside fear, anxiety, guilt or may feel a sense of detachment or even resentment. A common worry is that other people will feel that they have moved on and replaced the baby or child they lost. They may feel that having another baby and allowing themselves that hope and joy dishonours or dismisses the love they have for the baby they lost.


If a baby died during pregnancy as a result of miscarriage, termination for medical reasons, stillbirth or other reasons, the pregnancy may be spent with acute anxiety particularly triggered on or around significant dates, scans and scenarios. If a baby died in infancy or childhood as a result of SIDS, SUDC, illness or accident, then feelings of anxiety, fear and vulnerability knowing the worst can happen can be an ever present shadow to family life.


Rainbow Pregnancy and Parenthood UAE - Love Through Loss is a safe and compassionate space for families who share in this experience to find and support one another. We ask that everyone reserve their own judgement and recognise that though there may be overlap in experience, what feels right for one family may not for another and we ask you to refrain from offering advice or opinion unless asked. We kindly ask everyone to maintain respect for one another's choices and know that this is a safe space in which to speak about your precious angels and rainbows always. 


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We would like to invite you to join our monthly support group and become part of the compassionate community that we are building. We come together every month to support each other during yours and others journey with a rainbow baby, either during pregnancy or once baby has been born. This group is specifically for women who are pregnant with or have given birth to a rainbow baby. We recognize that a rainbow baby often brings a wide range of emotions, from joy and excitement to fear and grief. The aim of our support group is to provide a supportive space in which women can share and get support with their experience of the journey with their rainbow baby, the joys, the challenges, and everything in between.

We understand that you might have some questions or feel nervous about joining a group like this. We offer everyone that joins our group the opportunity to have a brief phone call with one of the facilitators, to answer any questions you might have and check that this is the right form of support for you right now.


Please do contact us for more information or scan the QR code to complete the registration form.

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